I first want to say, “To God Be the Glory”. We learn a lot of valuable lessons as we progress through the different stages of this age old fraternity. These lessons are not repugnant or against anything that is positive in a man’s life. We do however stand on the shoulders of the members before us and must work to build an organization where our future brothers will be able to stand on our shoulders. I want to be the first to say Welcome to our little piece of the world wide web. We hope you find yourself coming back often as we will be updating this site often. In the spirit of Brotherly Love, we ask that you look around the site to see a small glimpse of what Freemasonry is. If you believe you are ready to become a member or have any questions that are not answered on this website, we ask that you contact us so we can get those questions answered. Here in Arkansas, “The Natural State”, we hold onto strong traditions. We are, however, open to new ideals and innovations that will assist in making our great fraternity even greater. We make Good Men Better by building relationships with each other and within our communities. We have lodges in just about every county in Arkansas. Freemasonry is always welcoming those who want to continue to grow as a person and become a leader. We believe in the “Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man” As Grand Master of this prestigious body of men, I welcome you Once, Twice, Thrice.
Mark A. McGraw
20th Most Worshipful Grand Master