Howard L. Woods Grand Council
Order of the Knights of Pythagoras
The Howard L. Woods Grand Council, Order of the Knights of Pythagoras is a Youth Organization sponsored by the Prince Hall Masons of Arkansas
Our organization takes young boys between the ages of eight & twenty-one and train them in the areas of Leadership, Responsibility and Brotherhood.

Bro. Devonne Tingle
Knights of Pythagoras
State Director

Kaleo Anderson
Knights of Pythagoras
Grand Master Knight

History of KOP Program
History of The KOP Program
This movement, originally the Chivalric Order of the Knights Companions, was commenced by masons representing the Grand Jurisdiction of Kansas & Colorado, in the Conference held November 19th 1938
It was adopted for universal use in the Grand jurisdiction of Prince Hall Masons Dispersed throughout the United States under the name of
"The Order of the Knights of Pythagoras," at the National Conference of Grand Masters of Prince Hall Masons, under the leadership of Grand Master Amos T. Hall, President, held in Denver, Colorado, May 8--10, 1951

Knights of Pythagoras
Youth Councils
Consists of adult supervision referred to as Sir Knights (Master Masons). The Youth are referred to as Young Knights. The Council is made up of 15 youth officers. The Master Knight serves as the youth leader of the group, the Senior Knight (2nd in command) and the Junior Knight (3rd in command) serves as the primary officers. There is a Youth Recorder (Secretary), Youth Treasurer, and Youth Chaplain just to name a few. The councils meet once or twice a month

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History of the Arkansas Knights of Pythagoras
In 1994 the Howard L. Woods Grand Council was established in Arkansas to oversee the Order of the Knights of Pythagoras Youth Program. The Grand council was named after the late Past Grand Master, Howard L. Woods. PGM Woods served as the 18th Most Worshipful Grand Master of Arkansas. He was a Past Master of Trinity Lodge #33 in Little Rock Arkansas and active in all of the Prince Hall subordinate houses of Freemasonry. Once the the KOP program was formed, councils were established within the state