To the members of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge and the Royal Grand Chapter Order of the Eastern Star PHA Jurisdiction of Arkansas.
The 2022-2023 car raffle tickets have arrived and will be distributed to your Lodges and Chapters shortly. I have attached the new car raffle procedures. Please distribute them within your districts.
We are excited to announce to you that Grand Master Wilson, along with the assistance of his Grand Lodge Officers, have entered into a partnership with Karl Malone Auto Group in El Dorado to supply the vehicle for our 2022-2023 Car Raffle. This year we will raffle a brand new 2023 Toyota Camry!
We are also excited to announce an incentive program being offered exclusively to the members of this Jurisdiction. You can now purchase a brand-new vehicle from The Karl Malone Auto Group AT COST! Which means you can purchase a vehicle for the same price the dealership paid. The procedures are as follows:
You must be a financed member. Contact Marlo Thomas, Grand Master Wilson’s Secretary, to request a voucher. She will verify your good financial standing with the Masonic Relief Department, RW Karl Roberts and RW Ken Ferguson Jr. or Royal Grand Chapter Financial Secretary Linda K. Watson. Once verification is complete, you will be issued a voucher. The voucher can be taken to any Karl Malone dealership to purchase your new vehicle. The vehicle must be new and cannot be used.
Your Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter are constantly working to improve our programs and give back to our members. Thank for your continuous hard work and dedication to this great Jurisdiction.
Each member will be responsible for 20 tickets/$100.
Members will turn ticket money and stubs into their local Lodge or Chapter Secretary monthly.
The local Lodge/Chapter will then turn ticket stubs and money into their District Secretary.
The District Secretary will give a report of all that is collected to the District Deputies or Senior Deputy on the OES side by the 10th of each month.
The District Deputy or Senior District Deputy (OES) will give a monthly report to the Car Raffle Ticket Chairman RWGJW Andre’ Singleton at by the 20th of each month.
District Secretary or Treasurer will then send ticket stubs and a check or money order to the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge at 2906 E. Harding Ave. Pine Bluff, AR 71601 monthly. (No cash please) I understand some of your concerns about this process. These procedures are being conducted in this fashion mainly for accountability purposes. These procedures will continue to be processed this way per the Honorable Cleveland K. Wilson, Grand Master.
With Covid 19 still amongst us, please continue to assist our elderly members who may be unable to get out and sell tickets. Please assist them and requesting more tickets from the Grand Lodge.
The final deadline to have all ticket stubs and money turned in to the Grand Lodge/ Grand Chapter is February 15, 2023.
We are working on a new avenue to allow for the purchasing of tickets. More information to come soon.
This year, we are offering an incentive for your continuous efforts. During Grand Session, we voted that cash prizes be awarded to the sellers of the winning tickets.
If you sell the winning Car Raffle Ticket, you will receive $100.
If you sell the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th prize tickets, you will receive $50.
We are in the home stretch everyone. We have one of the most beautiful Grand Lodge/Grand Chapter buildings in the nation. Let’s all come together, finish the race, and get the job done.
Andre’ Singleton Right Worshipful Grand Junior Warden
Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contract me at or 870-314-1160.